We all know chores are a necessary cog in the wheel of life, our children however aren’t born with this knowledge, they protest it from the very beginning. You must be creative with the thing, slip it into a fun sandwich for lack of a better descriptive for it. You be like, chores? What chores? We are having fun right here!
Spontaneous or Structure
I tried both when raising my children, I liked spontaneous better! Yes…yes I know structure is what some people swear by and if it works for you great! I didn’t have feeding schedules, I didn’t have nap schedules. If my child got sleepy at 10 am I would rock them to sleep, if they didn’t go to sleep until 1 pm I was good with that too. If they got hungry I had food for them. I understand this method does not work for everyone, but it worked well for me.
Family Ties
We got settled into our hospital room and as my labor intensified I really thought I was going to die. I had no idea childbirth was this painful. My Dr had never told me anything about this type of pain. As tears rolled down my face I asked my boyfriend to help me, he could only hold my hand and stare wide eyed at me because he couldn’t take the pain away. I had to go through this there was no other way, although I can say it was all worth it.
Seventeen and pregnant
I woke up sick, rolling over in bed was torture. Dizzily I sat up and sipped some warm water from the glass on my night stand. I immediately regretted it, grabbing my waste basket I threw up. “What did I eat last night that didn’t agree with me?” I muttered.
She was screaming and kicking her little feet, protesting a nap. She really thought I was buying the act. I wasn’t, but the energy it took to defuse the situation was too draining, so I ignored it for the moment while I took care of her baby brother. Yes, my two-year-old was throwing a temper tantrum, I was at home, so I allowed it to continue for a bit. I finished changing my three-month-old and put him in his crib.
Moments and choices
A choice is made in a moment and it can alter your life forever. Once the course is shifted how do you reverse it? You don’t. You live out the course until another moment and another choice comes.
Dirt Therapy
Children and dirt go together like coffee and cream. They not only love the stuff, it’s attracted to them like a magnet. As a mom of five I learned quickly not to be uptight about them getting dirty, dirt on shoes, dirt on clothes that’s what a washer and dryer are for to remove said dirt! Spring rains bring on the mud!
Sibling Rivalry
Sibling Rivalry! Yes, that word! It’s something a mom never wants to see or hear. We love our children with an equal passion whether we have one, two or seven we want them to get along, be best friends. Wow! I sipped the cool-aid and my glasses turned a shade of rose. Taking glasses off!
Motherhood highway
I grew up in a culture that had rules for life, one of those rules were you date, you get married, and then you have children. I started off on the wrong foot, I dated a great guy but then I got deeply involved with this guy and I ended up pregnant. Yes, I was a teen mom in an Amish culture. They did not look kindly on young moms like me. Two months after giving birth to my firstborn son I was married to the father of my child.
Moms be kind to yourself
Being a mom is hard and whoever says otherwise needs a good dose of reality. I have heard it on the streets and through the proverbial grapevine, today’s society takes it to the next level in mom shaming. With the click of a button and behind the computer screen people will say anything. But they are not walking in your shoes so hold your head high and know you are being the best mom for your babies right now.